Mittwoch, 22. Februar 2017

Sell your art: Passive income

Sorry, I don't have anything to contribute to the subject myself yet, but I quickly wanted to share a free Skillshare class on passive income on sites like Society6 by artist Cat Coquilette (she also has it available as Blogpost). Watched it this morning and it's quite motivating and has some great tips for selling your art on print on demand sites! Check it out: Creating Art that Sells: A Working Artist's Guide | Cat Coquillette | Skillshare

Samstag, 18. Februar 2017

Lavender Pattern

My newest design is a lavender pattern, see some pics of the work in progress and of available products in my Society6 and Reddbubble Shops below :) It is the first design where I've tried to vectorize watercolor, I'm quite happy with the result! And I must admit, I've ordered some greeting cards with the design from Reddbubble for myself, I don't know if that is totally weird, but I just wanted to see it in real life ;) Can't wait till they arrive!

Click to shop Lavender pattern designs in my Society6 Shop, or in my Redbubble Shop!

Montag, 13. Februar 2017

Redbubble and Society6 Shop!

Hi there!
I was busy during the last week and this weekend to open my new shops on Redbubble and Society6. Those are Print on Demand sites where you can upload your art and the designs will be printed on various kinds of things, like wall clocks, tote bags, mugs, etc., but you can also just sell them as art prints or stationery cards. My Redbubble Shop is brand new and I just love that you are able to sell stickers there! For Society6, I already started a shop last year, but was not so happy with the designs and username, so I decided to just start again from scratch.

Here is a sneek peek at some of my designs there, click -> to visit my Redbubble Shop or my Society6 Shop and if you like what you see, I would be so happy for a follow :) Thanks and have a great day!